Our Services
Our professional and experienced team is always ready to help you: feel free to ask about anything you are interested in. Meet a new paint supply store: Alpine Paint company. We provide high-quality professional services and offer personalized customer experience. Our Breckeridge store services the towns of Silverthorne, Breckenridge, Frisco, Copper Mountain and Dillon, Colorado.

Paint Matching
When it comes to redecoration, you need to choose some appropriate colors first. Alpine Paint has a wide range of high-quality paints to choose from. We are paint professionals and can help you with any questions you have. Thanks to modern technologies, it’s possible to match almost anything! Alpine Paint offers the Meta-Vue system for color matching. This is the most current computerized color eye matching system available. We also have a portable color-eye system for remote matching.

Paint specifications
Any painting work starts with a single document – paint specifications sheet. In fact, it outlines the project in general. Paint specifications serve as a template for a project, if it’s not correct, the result may be disappointing. Ask us to write specifications for your project and save yourself time and money!

Color eye
Determining the color you need is hard even if you are standing in the store with a sample in your hand. Sometimes you can’t even bring one. Any solutions? Sure! Take advantage of our portable color eye. Alpine Paint can come to you and help determine the needed color. Contact us to clarify the details.

Floor sander
Floor sander available for rent, call us today.